Search keywords


all papers in the search category
“story” in title, abstract, authors
Search uses fields visible to the searcher. For example, PC member searches do not examine authors.
paper #119
papers in the numbered set with “kernel” in title, abstract, authors
“802” in title, abstract, authors (not paper #802)
“very” and “new” in title, abstract, authors
the same
the phrase “very new” in title, abstract, authors
either “very” or “new” in title, abstract, authors
use parentheses to group
“very” but not “new” in title, abstract, authors
the same
words that start with “ve” in title, abstract, authors
words that contain “me” in title, abstract, authors


title contains “flexible”


abstract contains “very novel”


author list contains “poletto”
more than four authors


collaborators contains “liskov”


selected topics match “link”

Submission fields

paper has “Video” submission field
Other field searches: “has:SubTyp”, “has:SubLab”, “has:TalSli”, “has:TalPap”, “has:EstLenTim”, and “has:Att”
same meaning; abbreviations also accepted
paper’s “Attendance” field has value “Physically”
paper has more than 2 “Talk Slides” attachments
paper has an “Talk Slides” attachment with a .gif extension
paper’s “Estimated Length Of Time For Presentation (in minutes)” field has value > 100


tagged “discuss” (“tag:discuss” also works)
not tagged “discuss”
tagged “discuss”, sort by tag order (“rorder:” for reverse order)
matches any tag that starts with “disc”


you are a reviewer
“fdabek” in reviewer name/email
four reviewers (assigned and/or completed)
less than three completed reviews
Use “cre:<3” for short.
at least one incomplete review
at least one in-progress review (started, but not completed)
at least two primary reviewers
at least one secondary reviewer
at least one external reviewer
“fdabek” has completed a primary review
has a review with less than 100 words in author-visible fields
review was rated positively (“rate:-” and “rate:boring” also work; can combine with “re:”)


at least one visible reviewer comment (not including authors’ response)
at least three visible reviewer comments
at least one reviewer comment visible to authors
“sylvia” (in name/email) wrote at least one visible comment; can combine with counts, use reviewer tags
has author’s response
at least two visible comments, possibly including author’s response


“fdabek” (in name/email) is discussion lead
no assigned discussion lead
some assigned discussion lead


“fdabek” (in name/email) is shepherd (“none” and “any” also work)


you have a conflict with the paper
“fdabek” (in name/email) has a conflict with the paper
This search is only available to chairs and to PC members who can see the paper’s author list.
some PC member has a conflict with the paper
at least three PC members have conflicts with the paper
a reviewer of paper 1, 2, or 3 has a conflict with the paper


you have preference 3
a PC member’s preference has expertise “X” (expert)
“fdabek” (in name/email) has preference > 0
Administrators can search preferences by name; PC members can only search preferences for the PC as a whole.


paper is submitted for review
paper is neither submitted nor withdrawn
paper has been withdrawn
final copy uploaded


decision is “Rejected” (partial matches OK)
one of the accept decisions
one of the reject decisions
decision specified
decision unspecified

Review fields

at least one completed review has Overall merit score 2
other abbreviations accepted
other fields accepted (here, Reviewer expertise)
completed reviews’ Overall merit scores are in the 2–4 range
(all scores between 2 and 4)
completed reviews’ Overall merit scores fill the 2–4 range
(all scores between 2 and 4, with at least one 2 and at least one 4)
at least one completed review has Overall merit score greater than 2
at least two completed reviews have Overall merit score less than or equal to 2
exactly two completed reviews have Overall merit score less than or equal to 2
at least one completed external review has Overall merit score greater than 2
at least two completed PC reviews have Overall merit score greater than 2
“sylvia” (reviewer name/email) gave Overall merit score 2
at least one completed review has “finger” in the Paper summary field
other abbreviations accepted
at least one completed review has text in the Paper summary field


all reviews have Overall merit score 2
Formulas can express complex numerical queries across review scores and preferences.
“f” is shorthand for “formula”
variance in OveMer is above 0.5
at least one reviewer had Overall merit score 2 and review preference < 0


show tags and PC conflicts in the results
hide title in the results
show a formula
sort by score
sort by score variance
sort by reverse status
edit the values for tag “#discuss”
like “search1 OR search2”, but papers matching “search1” are grouped together and appear earlier in the sorting order
display searches in compact columns
search for “search1”, but highlight papers in that list that match “search2” (also try HIGHLIGHT:pink, HIGHLIGHT:green, HIGHLIGHT:blue)